Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Working for Congressional Action

US participants of the International Movement to Open the Rafah
Borders and Code Pink are seeking congressional hearings on the health
crisis in Palestine and the closure of Gaza. We have been in contact with congressional
representatives in two states.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has agreed to conduct a "briefing"
to Congress on the health crisis in Palestine and the humanitarian
crisis due to the closed Gaza border. This may happen in the coming
weeks. We have forwarded your names and contact emails to the Kucinich
office along with organizations we recommended for testimony.

[To potential witnesses] As we have discussed, your particular experience at the Gaza border is
relevant to this issue. We hope you will be able to attend the
congressional briefing/hearing on an issue that has been too easily
dismissed by Congress.

This is an important time to speak out about the humanitarian crisis
in Palestine. With the Goldstone reports and illegal Israeli
settlements in the news, and open wounds of Gaza still in global view,
the US Congress must hear the testimony, and see the pictures of the
crimes and devastation. This humanitarian atrocity is a direct result
of US Congressional support for the Israeli military.

We will forward the dates as soon as they are firm.

We ask that you provide your transportation to and from Washington
D.C. Some accommodations may be provided on a first come, first serve

Please respond to say if this is possible for you to come to
Washington DC in the coming weeks/months.

Thank you,
Paki Wieland
Don Bryant


Gisha, Legal Center for Freedom of Movement http://www.gisha.org/

AMERA (Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance) http://www.amera-uk.org/

Palestine Medical Relief Society http://www.pmrs.ps/last/index.php
(Omar Barghouti)

Palestine Children's Relief Fund www.pcrf.org Steve Sosabee

If Americans Knew, Alison Weir www.ifamericansknew.org

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish

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